EAM Advisory Services for Your Business

In addition to providing Trusted Advisor services, Fields Consulting offers the following capabilities, utilizing our network of proven professionals:


Strategies and Planning

Moving from reactive to predictive maintenance, developing asset reliability analysis capability and eventually reaching Total Predicitive Maintenance requires in-depth planning,  transformation and change management. Our team of experts understand every aspect of asset management — from lifecycle planning, maintenance strategies,  project management, system  configuration, testing, training and implementation.


Technology Assessments

The quality, performance and security of your EAM applications can be vastly improved with our technology audits. Working together with your in-house teams, we analyze your IT  infrastructure and identify potential  bottlenecks. Then we design solutions that match your personnel and budget requirements.



Installing and testing your new systems can cause nightmares for even the most seasoned IT professional. Fields Consulting Services can guide you through thorough unit tests, assembly testing, User Acceptance Testing (UAT) and assure that all defects are corrected prior to your go-live date. You can rest assured that from the moment you connect your new system, all data and  communications will function as  needed.


IT Budget Planning & Capital Forecasting

The highly trained and experienced project managers at Fields Consulting Services can help you acquire the technology you require to reach your business objectives within a budget that works  for  you.